P-10b Transportation Vehicle Checklist Log


Thermometers and thermostats need to be calibrated periodically to ensure proper function. Develop a schedule for calibrating necessary equipment.
The vehicle is clean and in good condition.
Refrigeration unit is operating properly and at [enter temperature range here]*.
The trailer or container is pre-cooled (or pre-warmed).
Refrigeration air chutes or ducts are properly installed and in good repair.
There is no evidence of insect or rodent infestation.
There are no off odors that might indicate contamination of the vehicle.
Door seals are in good condition and seal tightly when closed.
Walls are free of cracks or holes.
Front bulkhead is installed.
Floor drains are open.
Floor grooves are free of debris.
Inside length, height, and width is adequate for the load.
Load locks or other devices are available to secure load.


Workers have received health and hygiene training and follow the farm's policies..
Workers loading vehicle have been trained on how to avoid damaging fresh produce while loading.
Hand-stacked loads use an airflow loading pattern with a header stack and lengthwise air channels. (Reference: Ashby)
Top- and bottom-air delivery vehicles are loaded with offset-by-layers pattern or center-load unit; loading tight against flat walls is avoided.
Allow at least 4 inches of space between end of load and rear doors for return air.
Use pallets on floor if floor channels or ducts are less than 2 1/4 inches (6 cm) deep.
Secure unit loads with one or more of the following: air bags, bracing, shrink film, netting, or strapping.
Secure hand-stacked loads at rear with wood gates, load bars, or other devices.


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